Research Interests

by Dr. Jan Boesten

I study institutions: “regularized patterns of interaction that are known, practiced, and regularly accepted (if not necessarily normatively approved) by given social agents”

by O’Donnell, 1994

My DFG-funded research project focuses on the unfolding peace process with Colombia’s formerly strongest guerrilla organization, FARC-EP (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombia-Ejercito Popular), in comparison with the past peace process (2005-2010) between the Colombian government and the AUC paramilitaries (Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia) - an umbrella organization of non-state counterinsurgency groups that vowed to defend the Colombian government against the guerrilla. By systematically analysing the effects of the two demobilization processes, which entails contrasting the normative framework, comparing the transformation of local and national political actors over time, and mapping the resulting restructuration of non-state armed actors at the local level, my research contributes to understanding the sources of order during armed conflict, the potential of uncertainty during transitions, and the effects of transitions on systems of order at the national and sub-national level. As an associated researcher at RePLITO, I will share my research findings, partake in the discussions, and will participate in review processes.  

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